Saturday, December 18, 2010

Differences between Male and Female

Differences between Male and Female

"We are hundreds to paycheck. Take half, and buy products, which would be enough for a week "

In this case, a woman will try to buy the allocated amount of cereals, vegetables, chicken ... In short, something inexpensive that can stretch for several days, not hungry, but do not spend too much.

A man brings the supermarket liter of beer, a pound of shrimp and a pack of cheap biscuits. At the just indignation of a woman he replied that he had bought her favorite cookies, so can not say that he was not thinking about the family. More after the break...

"On weekends, scheduled repairs in the kitchen"

Before the weekend a woman will try to make the kitchen all that can be broken, and will be covered with oilcloth furniture that would not want to slap paint.

A man will approach the issue on a larger scale - obderet wallpaper and tile, lime soskrebet from the ceiling. Return the kitchen to the human condition, he will, at best, a few months later - after a decade of reminders and the two scandals.

"Drop by for a cup of tea?"

Invite a friend for tea, the woman actually made tea, it will spill into cups and offer feast biscuits.

The man relaxed sit down in a chair, take off his jacket and starts a conversation. At this time, the kettle would not even put on a plate. Ten minutes later, plenty of slander, a man out of steam "so to hell with it, this tea!", And climb up to kiss.
"At half past six encounter near cafe"

The woman is late for half an hour, but it comes with a heap of excuses, excuses and tearjerker about torn in the worst possible moment stockings.

A man will come in time. In extreme cases - for ten minutes earlier.
"How am I tired of this job! It is necessary to search something else "

The woman will weigh options for a long time, to study the labor market, and only then be able to take a decision. She needs to think about tomorrow, since the need to feed the child remains even when the work really took.

The man with the noise retires from the hated work. On the question of the wife of the future security of the family will answer something upbeat and vague. The man just knows that everything will be fine.
"The temperature shot up, runny nose appeared"

Even with a temperature of about forty women will cook dinner and wash dishes. If it can move - it will take care of the family.

A man will not just be suffering from lung ailments - he will fight for life. Woman at this time relies feeding medications promakivat man his brow, and is filled with the importance of what is happening.
"You have to buy a box (refrigerator, washing machine, curtains)

A woman will poll some friends on the subject of their cabinets, asked for a visit to personally assess the piece of furniture. Then go down all known her furniture stores, explore the model, they pretend to their housing. After a week of torment buy, finally, a case and remain unhappy with your purchase.

Man to carve out half an hour in your schedule, go down to the nearest furniture store and buy a case, the seller will say that this is the best product of the month. Home may well turn out that the cabinet is absolutely not in harmony with the color of the wallpaper.
Via — Link

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