Saturday, November 27, 2010

In Iceland, a fisherman caught a giant halibut weighing 220 kilograms (4 photos)

70-year-old fisherman, an amateur from Germany Guenter Hansel incredibly big fish caught and sold for ... 2500 dollars. Giant halibut length of 2,5 meters and weights 220 kilograms was caught on rod Hansel in the open sea, when he was in his boat. In order to drag-to-coast record trophy lucky grandfather needed help 5-x other fishermen who helped him with a tug. Interestingly, from the record a huge halibut, on the basis of its weight, could get more than 1000 portions of fillets! But apparently, Hansel is not the same master table matters, such as fishing, and prefer to sell their catch to one of the locals for 2500 dollars!

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